And so it begins.....8 weeks of hell on earth. Product training started today and as i've expected it would'nt be fun at all. Not as bad as i've imagined but still not good enough for me to say that it will be ok. I don't normally feel sleepy during trainings, but today is very different. I can feel my eyes closing and it seems like it doesnt want to open again, as if it needed a toothpick pegged in between my eyelids for it to be wide open. Fortunately i did not fall asleep. Partly, because i dont want to disrespect the trainer and i dont want to suffer any consequences it may incur. Besides i'm still a good trainee. (No violent reactions pls... hehehehe)
Bad News!
By the end of the week they will be splitting the class into two. Bullcrap! I say, Why would they do that? in the first place they told us that all of us will be assigned to a particular channel. I know its kinda emotional but truth is, it really feels bad to be separated when you're just starting to bond together as a group. Eventhough we know that we will still be separated when we hit the floor. It's different when you are being split into two groups 3 weeks into training. If they want a group for another channel then hire new employees since their primary reason is to ramp up. Splitting the group into 2 is not a solution. Somehow it lowers the morale of the class. HR should know better. They should have forseen this need even before we started training. Well, we really can't do anything about it now but to say its all bullcrap!
Good News!
There will be no work on wednesday! and its with pay! why? because its the fourth of july!!! I think i'm gonna pay attention to US holidays now just because we will have no work if its a major holiday in the US. hehehe
My muscles are still aching from playing basketball last sunday night. It just goes to show that i havent had any exercise or work out for the longest time. Come to think of it, i really dont do exercise or work outs even if im going climbing..hehehe with some exceptions of course. I think i need to work on my cardio and lessen my marlboros coz last sunday, after running the whole lenght of the basketball court 3x i felt like passing out....hahahaha. and did i mention that i dont know how to play basketball anymore...hahaha i wasnt able to shoot the ball during the first half... it was like 0/10 field goals. i usually score a couple or some during the first half. My three pointers was so bad its not funny anymore...but i somehow redeemed myself during the second half. oh well there will be a game again this sunday and i hope if we lose again, it wont be a massacre...hahaha just to give you an idea it was like a 30pt. lead.
and yes the cannibal did pay us a visit! hahahaha